61 research outputs found

    GeantV: Results from the prototype of concurrent vector particle transport simulation in HEP

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    Full detector simulation was among the largest CPU consumer in all CERN experiment software stacks for the first two runs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In the early 2010's, the projections were that simulation demands would scale linearly with luminosity increase, compensated only partially by an increase of computing resources. The extension of fast simulation approaches to more use cases, covering a larger fraction of the simulation budget, is only part of the solution due to intrinsic precision limitations. The remainder corresponds to speeding-up the simulation software by several factors, which is out of reach using simple optimizations on the current code base. In this context, the GeantV R&D project was launched, aiming to redesign the legacy particle transport codes in order to make them benefit from fine-grained parallelism features such as vectorization, but also from increased code and data locality. This paper presents extensively the results and achievements of this R&D, as well as the conclusions and lessons learnt from the beta prototype.Comment: 34 pages, 26 figures, 24 table

    Dietary and other lifestyle correlates of serum folate concentrations in a healthy adult population in Crete, Greece: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Folate has emerged as a key nutrient for optimising health. Impaired folate status has been identified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, various types of cancers, and neurocognitive disorders. The study aimed at examining the distribution and determinants of serum folate concentrations in a healthy adult population in Crete, Greece. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of 486 healthy adults (250 men, 236 women) aged 39 ± 14 years, personnel of the Medical School and the University Hospital of Crete in Greece, was examined. Serum folate and vitamin B(12 )concentrations were measured by microbiological assay, and total homocysteine was determined fluorometrically and by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Lifestyle questionnaires were completed, and nutrient intakes and food consumption were assessed by 24-h dietary recalls. Multivariate analyses were performed using SPSS v10.1. RESULTS: The geometric mean (95% confidence interval) concentrations of serum folate were 15.6 μmol/l (14.6–16.8) in men and 19.2 μmol/l (17.9–20.7) in women (p < 0.001). Inadequate folate levels (≤7 nmol/l) were present in 6.8% of men and 2.1% of women (p < 0.001). Approximately 76% of men and 87% of women did not meet the reference dietary intake for folate (400 μg/day). Serum folate was inversely related to total homocysteine levels (p < 0.001). Increased tobacco and coffee consumption were associated with lower folate concentrations (p < 0.05 for both) but these associations disappeared after controlling for nutrient intakes. In multivariate analysis, intakes of MUFA, fibre, calcium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, E, C, B(1), and B(6 )were positively associated with serum folate. Consumption of potatoes, legumes, fruits, and vegetables were favourably related to the serum folate status. CONCLUSION: Serum folate concentrations were associated with various demographic, lifestyle and dietary factors in healthy Cretan adults. Large-scale epidemiological studies should be conducted within the general Greek adult population to assess the prevalence of impaired folate status and further examine associations with dietary patterns and chronic disease risk. Considering the importance of folate in health maintenance, it is important to increase the public's awareness of modifiable lifestyle patterns and diet and tobacco use in particular, which may be associated with improved folate status

    Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data.

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    OBJECTIVE: To use the rs1229984 variant in the alcohol dehydrogenase 1B gene (ADH1B) as an instrument to investigate the causal role of alcohol in cardiovascular disease. DESIGN: Mendelian randomisation meta-analysis of 56 epidemiological studies. PARTICIPANTS: 261 991 individuals of European descent, including 20 259 coronary heart disease cases and 10 164 stroke events. Data were available on ADH1B rs1229984 variant, alcohol phenotypes, and cardiovascular biomarkers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Odds ratio for coronary heart disease and stroke associated with the ADH1B variant in all individuals and by categories of alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Carriers of the A-allele of ADH1B rs1229984 consumed 17.2% fewer units of alcohol per week (95% confidence interval 15.6% to 18.9%), had a lower prevalence of binge drinking (odds ratio 0.78 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.84)), and had higher abstention (odds ratio 1.27 (1.21 to 1.34)) than non-carriers. Rs1229984 A-allele carriers had lower systolic blood pressure (-0.88 (-1.19 to -0.56) mm Hg), interleukin-6 levels (-5.2% (-7.8 to -2.4%)), waist circumference (-0.3 (-0.6 to -0.1) cm), and body mass index (-0.17 (-0.24 to -0.10) kg/m(2)). Rs1229984 A-allele carriers had lower odds of coronary heart disease (odds ratio 0.90 (0.84 to 0.96)). The protective association of the ADH1B rs1229984 A-allele variant remained the same across all categories of alcohol consumption (P=0.83 for heterogeneity). Although no association of rs1229984 was identified with the combined subtypes of stroke, carriers of the A-allele had lower odds of ischaemic stroke (odds ratio 0.83 (0.72 to 0.95)). CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with a genetic variant associated with non-drinking and lower alcohol consumption had a more favourable cardiovascular profile and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease than those without the genetic variant. This suggests that reduction of alcohol consumption, even for light to moderate drinkers, is beneficial for cardiovascular health

    Dimethyl fumarate in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial

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    Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) inhibits inflammasome-mediated inflammation and has been proposed as a treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19. This randomised, controlled, open-label platform trial (Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy [RECOVERY]), is assessing multiple treatments in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 (NCT04381936, ISRCTN50189673). In this assessment of DMF performed at 27 UK hospitals, adults were randomly allocated (1:1) to either usual standard of care alone or usual standard of care plus DMF. The primary outcome was clinical status on day 5 measured on a seven-point ordinal scale. Secondary outcomes were time to sustained improvement in clinical status, time to discharge, day 5 peripheral blood oxygenation, day 5 C-reactive protein, and improvement in day 10 clinical status. Between 2 March 2021 and 18 November 2021, 713 patients were enroled in the DMF evaluation, of whom 356 were randomly allocated to receive usual care plus DMF, and 357 to usual care alone. 95% of patients received corticosteroids as part of routine care. There was no evidence of a beneficial effect of DMF on clinical status at day 5 (common odds ratio of unfavourable outcome 1.12; 95% CI 0.86-1.47; p = 0.40). There was no significant effect of DMF on any secondary outcome

    Effect of organic acid concentration in lubricant on tribological characteristics of friction couple

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    Introduction. The possibility of using monocarboxylic acids as a lubricant composition additive, and the effect of their concentration in lubricant on the evolution of the friction factor of a brass-steel couple, as well as the morphology of the film surface under friction is considered. The work objective is to study the effect of the concentration of carboxylic acids in the lubricant composition on the evolution of the friction factor of copper – steel alloy.Materials and Methods. Tribological studies of a brass-steel friction couple in aqueous solutions of monocarboxylic acids with the concentrations of 0.025; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 mol/l are carried out. Using scanning electron microscopy, we have studied the morphology of the servovite film surface that is formed on a steel disk after frictional interaction of a brasssteel couple in aqueous solutions of acids with the concentration of 0.1 mol/l.Research Results. Tribological characteristics of the brasssteel tribocoupling in aqueous solutions of carboxylic acids of various concentrations are studied. The optimum acid concentration in the lubricant composition is specified. Herewith, a selective transfer and a wearless friction regime are implemented under friction of the brass 59–steel 40X couple. A decrease in the friction ratio to 0.009 and 0.007 is found out under friction in aqueous solutions of valeric and caproic acids, respectively. The formation of an anti-friction film on the steel surface is identified through the scanning electron microscopy. It is established that the film formed in an aqueous solution of caproic acid has a denser structure in comparison with the film formed under friction in aqueous solutions of butyric and caproic acids.Discussion and Conclusions. Thus, the tribological studies of a brass-steel friction couple in aqueous acid solutions show that the optimum molar acid concentration in the lubricant composition is 0.1 mol/l. At this acid concentration, the values of the friction factor characteristic of the wearless mode are attained

    Sistema penitenziario e società: esperienza di interazione. Una raccolta di materiali del V convegno scientifico e pratico internazionale

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    L'ansia da lingua straniera è la sensazione di disagio, preoccupazione, nervosismo e apprensione sperimentata nell'apprendimento o nell'uso di una seconda lingua o di una lingua straniera. La consapevolezza delle reazioni emotive degli studenti li aiuta a raggiungere i loro obiettivi nel processo di apprendimento. Anche ricercatori, metodologi e insegnanti dovrebbero avere questa consapevolezza per aiutare meglio gli studenti. L'ansia della lingua è comune nell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera. La maggior parte degli studenti afferma di avere un blocco mentale nell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera, anche se ha una forte motivazione e sebbene faccia un ottimo lavoro in altre situazioni di apprendimento. Nella maggior parte dei casi, la causa di questo fenomeno è l'ansia da lingua straniera, che impedisce il successo nell’apprendimento. L'ansia è una sensazione soggettiva di tensione, suscettibilità e nervosismo associata all'eccitazione del sistema nervoso autonomo. Gli individui che hanno ansia tendono ad evitare situazioni che l’hanno causata in passato. Proprio come l'ansia impedisce ad alcuni di svilupparsi con successo nella scienza o nella matematica, allo stesso modo rende stressante l'apprendimento di una lingua straniera, specialmente all'interno di istituzioni educative generali (scuole, università, etc.). Quando l'ansia è limitata alla situazione dell'apprendimento linguistico, si riferisce alla categoria di una specifica reazione ansiosa. Gli psicologi usano il termine "specifica reazione ansiosa" per differenziare gli individui che hanno ansia in una varietà di situazioni da quelli che la sperimentano solo in situazioni specifiche. I ricercatori hanno identificato diversi tipi di reazioni ansiose specifiche, ad esempio, legati all'esecuzione di compiti di studio, come test, o allo studio di alcune materie accademiche, come la matematica o argomenti del ciclo di scienze naturali

    Una raccolta di materiali del IV convegno scientifico e pratico internazionale "SISTEMA PENITENZIALE E SOCIETÀ: ESPERIENZA DELL'INTERAZIONE". Perm, Federazione Russia

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    Il problema principale posto nella suddetta ricerca è dato all’assenza delle metodiche della formazione delle competenze communicative che sarebbero effettive e spiegate esaustivamente dal punto di vista scientifico. Per quanto concerne l’aspetto teoretico e metodologico la presente ricerca è fondata su ―La teoria storico-culturale‖ di L.S. Vygotskij e sulla sua idea riguardante la corrispondenza tra capacità e attività, sulla teoria di J. Piaget che si riferisce ai livelli di sviluppo cognitivo e apprendimento della lingua, sul concetto di N. Chomsky che vede la linguistica come un ramo della psicologia cognitiva ed sulle ricerche di J. Bruner svolte nel campo dei processi cognitivi. Inoltre, tale ricerca si basa sulle idee espresse da E.V. Passov, N.D. Galscova e Z.N. Nikitenko, che trattano la necessità della motivazione comunicativa durante lo studio della lingua straniera, la quale è favorita dall’uso dei giochi di ruolo nel corso delle lezioni. Lo scopo della ricerca è studiare l’influenza dei giochi di ruolo sulla formazione delle competenze communicative degli adolescenti. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono i seguenti: 1. analizzare la letteratura professionale e fornire così le caratteristiche delle competenze communicative, per poi capire la loro importanza nella formazione della personalità degli adolescenti e descrivere le particolarità dell’influenza dei giochi di ruolo sulla formazione delle competenze communicative degli stessi; 2. eseguire la prova d’ingresso circa il livello delle competenze communicative nei gruppi sperimentale e di controllo degli allievi di 13-14 anni; 3. creare e organizzare, durante le lezioni della lingua straniera, una serie di giochi di ruolo al fine di sviluppare le competenze communicative degli allievi del gruppo sperimentale; 4. eseguire la prova secondaria delle competenze communicative nei gruppi sperimentale e di controllo e paragonare i risultati rilevati a quelli della prova d’ingresso. L’oggetto della ricerca è l’influenza dei giochi di ruolo sulla formazione delle competenze communicative degli adolescenti durante le lezioni della lingua straniera. La tesi della ricerca si basa sul fatto che l’insegnamento della lingua straniera come disciplina accademica non offra un contributo significativo per lo sviluppo delle competenze communicative degli allievi, mentre l’utilizzo dei giochi di ruolo alle lezione di lingua straniera per gli adolescenti influisca positivamente sulla formazione delle competenze communicative degli allievi. Le metodiche della ricerca sono le seguenti: 1. Questionario sulle abilità comunicative relazionali. F. Navanteri. 2. Il test di valutazione delle capacità communicative. A.A. Karelin. L’esperimento è stato eseguito su 60 allievi di scuola media №14 di Chimki, nella provincia di Mosca. L’età degli allievi esaminati è di 13-14 anni. 3. Un incontro strutturale per la valutazione delle competenze communicative


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    Introduction. The effect of the organic component nature in the systematic series of monocarboxylic acids on the tribological characteristics of the brass-steel friction pair in aqueous solutions is described. Dependence of the mechanical-and-physical properties of the antifriction films formed during friction on the nature of the lubricating composition is investigated. The work objectives are to study the applicability of carboxylic acids as an antifriction lubricant component; to assess their effect on the mechanical properties of the servovite film formed under the brass – steel friction.Materials and Methods. Tribological studies of the brass-steel friction pair on the AE-5 end-type friction machine are carried out. Roughness parameters of the servovite  film were determined through the optical profilometry. The microgeometry and the object structure at the nanoscale were considered using atomic force microscopy. The mechanical characteristics of the antifriction film were investigated using the instrument nanoindentation.Research Results. Tribological characteristics of the brass-steel tribocoupling and mechanical-and-physical properties of the servovite film formed during friction in the “brass – aqueous solution of carboxylic acid – steel” system were studied. It is established that the friction factor reduces when increasing the hydrocarbon radical length. The dimensional effects are found in the mechanical and tribological properties of the servovite film formed on the surface of the friction interaction in the carboxylic acids.Discussion and Conclusions. The study results show that the friction interaction on the wearing surface in the aqueous solutions of carboxylic acids forms a nanostructured servovite film which drops the friction factor. Its mechanical, physical and tribological parameters depend on the composition of the model lubricating medium. It is determined that the local mechanical-and-physical properties depend on the method of producing the servovite layer, the load and the size of the deformation zone. The results obtained can be used in the development of lubricants